Mary Boone
Repose, 22”x33” (1997)
I'd like to end my series as it began: by making my case as to why you should show my work.
- It is good enough. I think it easily reaches your high standard for professionalism and presentation.
- I think it would be very fresh. Edgy even. My work, your space, would cause a lot of people to think twice.
- It's timely. The whole conceptual thing is running out of steam. Getting mighty thin. If nothing else, the vapidity that we are now being asked to take seriously should necessarily open the door to consider/reconsider such things as light and color. I don't see where representational oil painting is any more antiquated an idea than having a thought.
- It would be healthy for the market. I just don't see a lot of discernable "new" out there any more. So much of it looks like everything else. Not that I follow it. I'm sure there are sophisticated markets beyond my experience and understanding. Just I sense a growing market of people who are simply jaded with the present scene. The right gallery making the right statement with the right work could provide the leadership to open a floodgate.
- It would be such a great thing for representational artists everywhere. I'd be the first to admit that the vast majority of contemporary representational painters are not very good. Rather dry, but I think that has a lot to do with their being relegated to "picture seller" galleries. They have had it beaten into their hearts and minds that they are irrelevant to the present conversation, and so most probably believe that they are. It's hard to swim against the current forever. Potential others drop the whole idea of trying while in art school.
- My work is not dry. My work is alive. Live with one of my paintings for a while and you will see. It would be like living with a van Gogh, a Vulliard, a Bonnard. There is quality to such work that transcends time, art movements and fads.
- Sophistication does not have to be loud.
- Sophistication does not have to scream.
-Quiet can be very sophisticated.
- My work, your gallery.
Tim Folzenlogen
MB Modern, March 2001