Mary Boone
Detail of Card #33
"Belief systems are the problem, as they cap off growth
and the potential for greater possibilities.”
Screw 11
So I was really excited about The Cards.
I wanted to put them on my Homepage, as a new link, along with 12 new essays, 2 of which were indirectly related to this series and my motivation in doing them. I FedEx'd them to the guy who designed my website.
Once receiving them, he emailed me back that there was no way that he would put them on my page, that he thought they were disgusting, and that he didn’t want to work with me any longer.
That really took me by surprise. I thought they were beautiful, and that the concept was brilliant.
Then I tried to find someone else to do the work, but twice came up empty. Add to this the fact that my wife was freaking-out about the project (she said the police will show up at our door) and, being the spiritual person I am, I started thinking that maybe this wasn’t the way to go.
I don’t want to offend people. Indeed, my motivation is quite the opposite.
So I thought, okay, I’ll approach Mary with The Cards first, before putting them on my website. If she buys it, if I get into her gallery, with that kind of backing, then the general public will have to take the project seriously as a public statement, and individuals who are related to me will be less inclined to be personally offended.
So I called her gallery to see if I could make an appointment to meet with Mary.
"Mary Boone."
Can I speak to Mary?
"Who’s calling?"
Tim Folzenlogen. I spoke to her a couple of weeks ago.
"Please hold."
(30 seconds)
"Mary isn’t in the gallery right now."
Oh. Well, could she call me when she gets in? I just want to ask her something.
"Yes. Okay. I’ll have her call you. Thank you."
Do you want my number before hanging up? (I give it to him.)
I know there is no way in hell that she is ever going to return my call, though I wait all day anyway.
Tim Folzenlogen
March 30, 2002