I've broken down my thought into a series of 40 short statements.
A photo of a person(s) or place in my neighborhood accompanies each thought.

Dawn | Life is like a movie. We come here to drink deeply of these experiences.

Nadine | Everyone is a true movie, of a life that makes perfect sense, within the lines that define that life.

Rooftop | This planet, this time and place, naturally grows these kinds of stories.

Dr. Contreras | Our foundations, our life experiences, are the colors that tint our viewpoints.

170th & Ft. Washington Ave | The God energy is malleable to the circumstances in which it is placed.

Jesus | You are doing exactly what God would do if God were you.

Maritza and Adrian | You are God. Everyone is.

My palette | Everyone is sincere. Even con men.

Andrea, Imani, Ric and Kara | Everyone is thinking and doing, exactly what you would think and do, if you were them

Across the street | No blame.

Melissa | Everyone understands something that you don’t.

Misako | You are what you think about. Experience something new - and become someone different.

286 Ft. Washington Ave | Concepts and beliefs are like dead weights that must be cut free in order to envision greater possibilities.

The George Washington Bridge | Lose the fence – gain the universe.

J. Hood Wright Park | How far back do your beliefs go? Look through The Hubble and see how far back really goes.

Manhattan from The George Washington Bridge | Beliefs rooted in 6000 years of history - are like beliefs that began yesterday afternoon.

The Hudson River | This is a primitive planet that is not very far along the evolutionary path.

PS 173 | Icon worship deprives people of the best that life has to offer - as it keeps you smaller than.

190th & Ft. Washington Ave | If God is A Being who sends people to hell for reaching different conclusions – then is God a terrorist?

Bennet Park | Everyone is interested in sex.

177th & Broadway | Are there good body parts - and bad body parts?

179th & Ft. Washington Ave } Sex – Religious People ––– God – Cool People

Marty and Eddie | This website is one of the greatest art projects ever conceived.

Abdul | Concepts alone are not enough.

171st & Ft. Washington Ave | Accountability and full disclosure are important.

Zenada | Honesty and sincerity are the highest expressions of love.

Robert | Solutions lie beyond what is currently understood.

Tim and Melissa | In order to receive greater understanding, you must first appreciate that you do not currently know.

Across from Bennet Park | We are all ignorant.

Pauli | Thinking is fun – growth is good – change is inevitable.

Fort Tryon Park | The path is the thing.

Philip | Intuition is the key.

Tim | Intuition is to the universe - what a computer is to the Internet.

Fort Tryon Park } The Internet can tell you everything about what is, or has been – the universe can tell you all you want to know about what can be.

Guy | The universe is interactive – and you hold the remote.

Steve | The truth is a billion times better than your most wonderful thought.

Nicole | Wonder is the way.

Marc | Everyone is a billion times more important than they think they are.

Karina and Lisa | Everybody is the lens through which true understanding can easily occur.

Fort Tryon Park | The next big thing is everybody.