It was last month that Renee asked if I would like to accompany her on Bloomfield Ave for a half-hour protest during her lunch break (see 2. 18. 25 in my this just in link).

I find that I really like it out there.

I started my career as an artist in NYC by staging rather elaborate shows on the street, and then would often return to it as the preferable choice (see Seinfeld Diaries in my projects link) just because I could spontaneously do it: anytime, anywhere, meet the people with my art on the table as it were. How great is that?

Of course, this time, it’s a lot more than just my art on the table, and it’s like everybody (at least all the thinking ones) are in on it, one side or the other.

You could see it in their eyes as they would be driving by, even if they were trying to act, trying to believe that this time isn’t any different.

That we are not tittering on a cliff edge, and that we will not fall over it, and not be able to recover from it, if we don’t all do something right now.

3. 4. 25