Mary Boone

Ponder, 22”x33” (1998)

Screw 2

I returned to Mary Boone's Chelsea location on Tuesday the 20th.

Ron was there.

I asked him if he had read the series.

He said no, but that he had given it to Mary.

I asked him if she had any response.

He said no.

I told him that I wanted him to read it also.

I told him that I wanted to give him a painting of mine to spend some time with.

He was understandably reluctant.

I told him that I understood what he was feeling. I told him that I understood that he didn't know who the hell I was, what my angle was, and understood that he didn't want to commit to anything in which he would feel obligated.

But I told him that that was not what was going on.

I told him I only wanted a fair hearing, but that a fair hearing was not possible unless he understood my work. Giving him a painting was no big deal from my end. I give away paintings all the time. It's part of what I do. I do paintings like he answers the phone.

He was cool.

I like Ron.

I became rather animated, as I tend to do.

He took it all in.

I told him I wanted to send him the series he forwarded to Mary.

He said he would read it.

I sent it with the following cover letter.